Hello lovelies! Last week, one of my lovely cousins gave me a manicure. It was a great introduction to the world of gel nail polish, as this is something I'd heard a lot about but not quite plucked up the courage to give it a go.
I was expecting it to be very complicated, but it was in fact, the opposite. My nails were prepped and painted, and dried under a UV lamp between coats. Simple! The pink box you can see is the lamp, and you just slide your hand under, and the light works on a timer. After 2 coats, followed by a top coat, you polish the nail with a little cloth, and are left with beautifully shiny and strong gel nails.
I loved the colour, a rich dark pink/red, but most of all the shine! It was so easy in fact that I did one hand myself. You can get all of the kit you need to do this at home on ebay, and bearing in mind how often I normally chip my nails, I think this definitely worth looking into. You remove the polish in the same way you would with glitter polish, by soaking with nail polish remover, and an easy way to do this is by wrapping remover soaked cotton wool around the nail, and wrapping with tin foil to keep it on.
Have any of you lovely people tried gel nails? Would you give this a go?
Labels: nails