blog organisation board

Hello lovelies!
I posted a picture of my blog pinboard on instagram a while back, and had a few requests to do a post about it, so here we go! My memory is absolutely terrible, so I write everything down. This often goes onto about 8 lists at a time, some of which go in my pockets, others in my bag, and the rest I leave on the bus or drop on the way, so I was definitely in need of a better system. This board means everything is in one place, so I know exactly what is going on, and more importantly, what I need to do.
 To make yourself one of these, you basically just need a pin board (mine was from WH Smith's for £6.99), and a load of post it notes. I made a weekly calendar out of some floral paper into a grid with a column for each day, and rows for events, blog posts, and to dos. The post its are brilliant as you can move plans around so easily, and since I am often so indecisive, it means everything stays neat and tidy.
 I have a section at the bottom for 'Important' 'Urgent' and 'Notes', the notelet things were from paperchase a few months a go. 
 The different coloured post its are for arranging my blog post schedule, and are colour coordinated by theme (I do realise how ocd this seems, but I just like things to be nicely organised!)
 The weekly calendar, where I keep real life and blog notes all in the same place.
 So thats how I keep my life nice and neat and tidy! How do you blog plan?

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